SingleCase is software for lawyers that we have been building for seven years. We are a technological company headquartered in Prague, Czech Republic.

We offer our customers the software, all the services necessary for smooth onboarding and a long-term partnership to face the challenges ahead.

Over 400 European law firms currently use SingleCase. Four thousand lawyers log into SingleCase every day. We are the market leader in the Czech Republic, where we originally came from, and neighbouring Slovakia. Who is our typical customer? When we started years ago, our first customers were small law firms with five to ten users. As our reputation spread, larger law firms started to get interested. Now, we serve small boutique companies as well as market leaders.

Our customers include several international law firms - for example, Eversheds Sutherland and TaylorWessing. The largest Central European law firm, Havel & Partners, which employs over 500 people, uses our software for all critical processes - document management, timekeeping and billing. We are proud to say that most award-winning law firms eventually switch to SingleCase in our markets. Why? We have very good features that make law firms more effective, solve their most significant issues and help them earn more money. On top of that, we offer friendly and supportive customer care. We guarantee a 30-minute response time during working hours and a hotline that is available 24/7.

One important factor we often hear from clients is that they appreciate that our software is constantly evolving, always innovating, and continually improving. Thanks to that, they have peace of mind that they have the right partner for the challenges ahead.

About the challenges. The rise of artificial intelligence will completely change the field of law within a few years. To succeed in the future, our clients will need to offer new types of services to their customers. Our goal is to provide our clients with the technological tools that will enable them to do so. That's why we are investing significantly in AI capabilities and prototyping a new generation of legal products with our clients.

All our money goes into developing new AI tools. We don't spend on marketing. We've learned that the only effective marketing in this business is a happy customer who will refer you. That's currently the only marketing we use.

We have set up a Swiss company, SingleCase GmbH, based in Zug, for our Swiss operations and European expansion. We built our cloud infrastructure on Swiss territory, specifically in Zurich. If you choose to use our cloud, your data will be stored in Switzerland in an encrypted storage. We are fully compliant with all the requirements that the specifics of the legal profession entail.

We have worked with our first Swiss customers for the last few months to ensure that SingleCase includes all the necessary "Swiss" functionality. If you would like to connect with any customers already using SingleCase, we would be happy to connect you.

Richard Singer

Chairman of the Advisory Board

He is the COO of Dentons Europe, Europe's largest law firm. The firm's revenue grew from 180 meur to 470 meur during Richard's ten-year tenure. Before that, Richard spent five years as Director of Strategic Projects at US law firm White & Case. In SingleCase, he pushes for innovation to prepare our clients for the future.

Lucie Tvaruzkova

Managing Partner

Lucie is responsible for the European expansion of SingleCase. She is a former journalist and award-winning innovator. She has led several projects that have built their success on customer happiness. For her previous work, she was twice awarded the Czech Internet Awards for the most influential personalities in the digital industry.

Pavel Krkoska


Pavel leads SingleCase product development. He has an IT background and, before founding SingleCase has led several large-scale IT projects in the banking industry. He is currently leading the development of new AI-powered features.